529th Masonic District St. John’s Charity Breakfast

June 30, 2012 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Burbank Masonic Center
406 Irving Drive, Burbank
CA 91504

Time: 0900 breakfast starts, 1000 Speaker (Ms. Diane Anand, Executive Director Lanterman Regional Center)
Description of Event: Charity Pancake Breakfast
Who is Invited: Community
Dress: Casual
Cost of Event: $6.00 Donation
Food Served: Pancakes, sausage, bagels, juice, coffee and other things
Reservations (to who and when): Steve Harris, WM 406, Scott Manoogian WM 368, or Thumper Blumquest WM 618 by 27 June or at door.
Contact for Further Info: Steve Harris (818-422-1973)